Eventissim organizes all your events
Evening, birthday, wedding, baptism, baby shower,... but also company party, Christmas tree, teaqm building, product launch,...
We offer you the possibility of organizing your high-end event entirely by us so that everything is perfect on D-Day.
We manage your private or corporate event from A to Z, a complete, tailor-made event with personalized decoration.
As well as various animations are offered to you by Eventissim or by our most loyal partners with whom we have been working for years.
Contact us for more information!
Vous projetez d'organiser un événement et avez besoin d'accompagnement dans la recherche de prestataires, la coordination le jour J ou tout simplement pour créer une ambiance dont tous vos invités se souviendront ?
Amusez-vous sans aucune autre préoccupation que celle de profiter de chaque instant! Nous nous occupons d'organiser un événement à votre image de A à Z pour que vous passiez un excellent moment.
Événements privés
Corporate events
For all your events professionals, we realize and accompany you in the follow-up of your project.
To congratulate your employees, celebrate the anniversary of your company, for a product launch, a company evening, a national holiday, and much more.
We organize your tailor-made events whether you are a small, large company or une agglomeration, town hall or an association.